Bitumen Waterproofing
Bitumen (also known as asphalt in the United States), is a substance produced through the distillation of crude oil that is known for its waterproofing and adhesive properties. Bitumen is a hot black liquid with a distinctive odour that does not mix with and is heavier than, water. Bituminous materials are used for road construction, roofing, waterproofing, and other applications.
Which Bitumen Waterproofing is Best to Buy?
When you need to prime and seal roofs, walling or flooring, choosing a bituminous waterproofing coating from a well-trusted brand is going to be your best bet. At BUCO, we’ve sourced top-quality waterproofing paint options for you to choose from, so you can rest assured that we only offer the best.
Where Can I Buy Bitumen Waterproofing Online?
BUCO online is our fully-stocked virtual store that offers all the products, materials and supplies you’re accustomed to finding in store. Get comfortable and browse through our online shelves for all the items you need.
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Sometimes there’s no replacement for a good-old chat to your local hardware salesman or woman. That’s why we still have BUCO outlets all over SA with staff that are ready and trained to help you with all your building, hardware and home décor queries. Find your nearest BUCO store now.
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