Shop Freestanding Fireplaces Online
Just because your home wasn’t built with a freestanding fireplace in it, doesn’t mean you can’t have one. With careful planning and the appropriate preparations, you can buy one of our beautiful fireplaces for sale and see your plans of having your own indoor fireplace becoming a reality.
Which freestanding fireplace is best to buy?
BUCO offers you a range of Megamaster and Mynx Jetmaster variations that give you indoor fireplace options from square-shaped to pyramid and outdoor boma style to cast iron fireplace variations (with legs). It’s all complete in one-stop with BUCO while you shop for flue pipe extensions (in both rectangle and round variations) to guarantee you keep the toasty vibes indoors — and the smoke clearance outdoors.
Which freestanding fireplace is best to buy?
BUCO offers you a range of Megamaster and Mynx Jetmaster variations as well as commercial fireplaces that give you indoor fireplace options from square-shaped to pyramid and outdoor boma style to cast iron fireplace variations (with legs). From one-off options for your fireplace DIY project, to wholesale fireplaces for larger projects, it’s all complete in one-stop with BUCO while you shop for flue pipe extensions (in both rectangle and round variations) to guarantee you keep the toasty vibes indoors — and the smoke clearance outdoors.
As with all the Standards that make up SANS 10400, if you ensure that your installation complies then it will be “deemed to satisfy” the law.
The legislation states that:
“Any system of space heating in any building shall be so designed, constructed, and installed as to operate safely and any flue, flue pipe, or chimney used in such a system shall be so designed as to safely remove any smoke or noxious gases produced by such a system.
The requirements of sub-regulation (1) shall be deemed to be satisfied where the design and construction of any flue pipe, chimney, hearth or fireplace complies with SANS 10400-V.”
A ventless freestanding fireplace option may not require a chimney to exhaust the by-products of combustion but some gas log sets still use (and may require) an existing chimney to dissipate the heat generated by burning. Be sure to consult with a professional about the building alterations and safety prerequisites required to be sure you get the most out of your indoor fireplace.
Where can I buy a freestanding fireplace online?
Where can I buy wholesale fireplaces?
Wholesale Fireplace Suppliers
While BUCO guarantees an incredible offering to our walk-in customers and online shoppers, we welcome business-to-business trade as well! If you’re looking for reliable wholesale fireplaces from reputable commercial fireplaces suppliers, talk to us about quantity with rates and service that are guaranteed to help your offering — and your bottom line.
We are wholly committed to providing you with a safety-compliant shopping experience, with convenient options that suit the ways you like to shop:
Order online but collect at the store with our next-day in-store collection service
Shop safely with all protocols in place, in person at your nearest BUCO store with the help of our friendly DIY-enthusiastic staff
BUCO — let’s build together, safely.